华为云空间 华为官方网盘Manage your photos, contacts, notes, and other important data online, and sync them to your other Huawei devices. You can also remotely locate a device, make it play a sound, lock it, or erase data to protect your privacy.
iCloud 苹果在线存储和云服务Log in to iCloud to access your photos, mail, notes, documents and more. Sign in with your Apple Account or create a new account to start using Apple services.
城通网盘 城通网盘是一款免费50G网盘www.ctfile.com,即免费网络存储空间服务。注册后可获得支持外链的70TB空间,最大单文件可达30GB,同时为用户提供每万次点击下载1000元的奖励。已为国内外数千万用户提供超过 5000TB 的网络储存空间。